eWALL Project – Homepage of the UPB team


eWALL for Active Long Living (eWALL)
eWALL logo

eWALL Year three (Y3) and the entire project is over. eWALL-UPB submitted the Y3 report to UEFISCDI for evaluation.

Purpose: eWALL will be an affordable, easy-to-install prefabricated wall that can be mounted on an existing wall and includes, into the background, all the ICT technology needed to enable a number of services for the senior citizen to cover the major ontologies of Active and Healthy Ageing. The project will carry out high-risk and multi-disciplinary research and will have a large-scale demonstrator exercise for validating the concept with solid clinical evidence. The eWALL system will extend the state-of-the-art of Assistive Platforms and will significantly increase the independent living of seniors. The project will also perform socio-economic studies to deliver recommendations for the health sector that will result in mid- and long-term benefits for the sustainability of national health systems.

University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB) is an active member of the consortium with a significant involvement in areas like, security, system architecture, wireless sensor networks, cloud platform or applications and services. The team is lead by Prof. Octavian Fratu and reunites from professors to Ph.D. students, master students or researchers that are top in their field of activity.

Project Manager: Ramjee Prasad

Project Coordinator from UPB(Romania): Octavian Fratu

Consortium: The proposal brings together 13 partners from 11 countries: Denmark, Italy, Croatia, Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Romania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Germany

Duration: 2013-2016

Project official webpage:http://ewallproject.eu/


Project official Twitter page: https://twitter.com/eWALLproject

Project official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ewallproject

Project official Google+ page:https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/101850095566539825474/101850095566539825474/posts

Project official YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSQZgSDMytb7ew6xs4xosoQ


Project Funding Institution:

  • 75% European Commission under the grant no. 610658;
  • 25% Executive Unit for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding(UEFISCDI) under the grant number 262EU.